Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Working Women

The Ideal work (Job) for a woman is to be a Home Maker, and a "stay at home" mom. But life does not always turn out in such a way to make that possible. In my own life I have had to work in a job outside the home most of my married life...

I have two very wise daughters and one of them gave me a little book of "Encouragement for the Workplace" back in 1998 when I was feeling somewhat overwhelmed with the position I had (working with a Nursing Home Chain) at that time. Through the years since that time I have referred many times to the little book when I needed encouragement.

It reminds me that God is the real "Corporate Giant." He is also the perfect boss because He is always available, He listens, He gives direction, and He supplies all of our needs. So, before we try to take on the corporation all by ourselves, consult with the Boss on High.



I come to You this morning, Father in the name of Jesus, to thank You first for the job that You have provided. I pray that I will do my work diligently because that is what gives You joy. I anxiously await the tasks before me today with a disire to perform them well.
  • When we perform the work God has given us, it is rewarding to us and others in ways we don't often see.
  • There is no need to feel inadequate for the work God has given you because He has given you the strength and power you need to complete the task.

  • Your attitude toward work will dictate your productivity and feelings. Have the attitude of a fruitful servant ready to produce good work.
  • Approach every task as if God Himself asked you personally to do the job.

  • No matter how small or large the project, approach it with the same level of importance. Everything we do is seen by God. Don't let Him see laziness, half-hearted efforts, and sloppiness.
  • When you feel that there is just not enough time to do what you have to do, let God's love and power move through you to renew and strengthen you.
  • For every task, someone has to do it-- what makes you above doing any task? Even when the work appears unappealing, know that God is with you and do it to please Him.

  • Remember, He sent that task for you to handle.

Don't you suppose that the women were the ones who gathered the Manna that God provided each morning during the years the children of Isreal wondered in the desert?

Whether we are working in the home or in the workplace, God expects us to do our best and work with a willing heart.

My prayer is that I can please God in all that I do, all that I say, and all that I think


imaages courtesy of all posters

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