Tuesday, November 24, 2015

A Prayer of Thanks

Sunset over beach by Rick Bostick
Sunset over beach

Thank you, God,
for the beauty
around me everywhere,
The gentle rain
and glistening dew,
the sunshine and the air,
The joyous gift of feeling
the soul's soft, whispering voice
That speaks to me
from deep within
and makes my heart rejoice--

Oh, God,
no words are great enough
to thank You for just living,

And that is why every day
is a day for real thanksgiving.

Helen Steiner Rice

Image courtesy of All Poster


Christie Belle said...

Oh, I like that. It's simply put, but so true and a good reminder, especially when we are feeling a little like nothing's going our way. Thanks for sharing it.

Paula said...

You always post such beautiful poems. Thank you for sharing them.

Mimi said...

sometimes we forget that God is always there for us... and we can see it in the very beauty of the earth...


thanks for your kind words and every time I see a poem I like now... I feel like I should share it with my blogging friends...

deb said...

What a lovely poem and thank you so much for sharing. I know that one day I will feel down and suddenly remember this little gem and feel better.

~~Deby said...

Wonderful post and reminder