Monday, September 22, 2008

Me, Worry?

Be anxious for nothing, but... let your requests be made known to God
(Philippians 4:6)

Sorrow Looks Back, Worry Looks Around, Faith Looks Up

Whenever a preacher begins to talk about worry, without even turning my head, I knew that my husband was  looking at me to see if I was paying attention.

I hate to admit it, but I'm a worrier.

And because there are a lot of people just like me, Jesus addressed this problem in Matthew 6:25-34 when He said: "Do not worry." Don't worry about the basic needs of life-- food, clothing, shelter -- and don't worry about tomorrow.

Worry may be a symptom of a bigger problem. Sometimes it's a lack of gratitude for the way God has cared for us in the past. Or perhaps it's a lack of faith that God really is trustworthy. Or it may be a refusal to depend on God instead of ourselves.

Some people expand the worry circle to their families and friends. They're a lot like the 10 spies in Numbers 13:26-33 who spread their fear and doubt to everyone else. But those who put their trust in God alone can stand alongside Joshua and Caleb, the only ones in the group of 12 whom God allowed to enter the Promised Land.

Don't let worries hold you back from what God may be trying to teach you.

He invites you to bring your anxious thoughts directly to Him (Phil. 4:6) 

When you feel the tension mounting, And across the busy day Only gloomy clouds are drifting, As you start to worry -- pray!

To be anxious about nothing, pray about everything.

He hears our prayers,


Maxine said...

This is so good! We all need to think about these things, some of us more than others. You couldn't have picked a better Scripture and you are not alone in the worry corner, sister.

Cathy said...

You and me both, dear Mimi ~ I do trust the Lord, but yet I still worry too much sometimes.

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

I am the same way. A really good post...hugs..m..

Mary said...


I used to be a worrier and I must admit once in a while old habits sneak back in. However, I have learned to trust God for my needs and to have faith. I learned these lessons as a single mother for 17 years. I used to worry and fret about everything. Today I am much more trusting and relaxed about life in general.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting on the portrait of Dr. Jim and Grandma Elizabeth.


Unknown said...

This one really spoke to me. It is my biggest problem. It's hard for me to let go of my problems and hand them over to God. Great post and wonderful scripture.

Unknown said...

I am gulity of worry myself but I do believe we are to cast our cares upon our Lord. Blessings. Lisa

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

Great Post Mimi! This really hit home with me. I worry too. I am trying hard not to.
I am sorry I have been away for so long. I will by more regularly.
Love Nita

P.s thank you for the comment, you touch my heart greatly and you make me want to be a better Christian.

Melissa said...

Matthew 6:25-34

A beautiful post. I am learning to love those verses. The girls and I have been working on memorizing them all summer long and I am learning so much from them.

Dana said...

Im glad I found this post, I too am a worrier, my husband calls me "Danger Dana":). I used to let the panick and worry control my life, but now I'm learning to give it all to God. Im new to Christianity and sites like yours are helpful. Thank You

Melissa said...

I wonder if frustration such as I feel when my MIL is here is a form of worry. The frustration is obviously finds its roots in my desire for control and perhaps the frustration is really worry that it will all spin out of control and not turn out how I want it.